Friday, November 7, 2008


It's been rather quiet around here since I'm reading a long book right now (The Court of the Air) and haven't had much time for reading. I'm about 2/3 of the way through it now. Last night I read one of the Malazan novellas so I'd have something to review but I'm not sure if I'll have time to do so over the weekend since I'm going to be doing some freelance work then. I'm hoping to get in some more time for reading soon, especially since I'm only 4 books away from completing the 50 book challenge. After The Court of the Air, it's on to All the Windwracked Stars and The Jackal of Nar, most likely followed by either Schismatrix Plus or some space opera (depending on how close to December it is by the time I'm done).


ediFanoB said...

I read The Court of the Air and I'm really interested in your review.

Kristen said...

I finished that one and a Catherine Asaro novel (Skyfall) so I'd better get cracking with reviewing those and The Healthy Dead!

Ana said...

Hey, The Court of the Air is the next book I will be reading too!

Kristen said...

I saw that you were reading that next! I've finished it now, just need to actually review it.