Monday, May 11, 2009

Maledicte and Kings and Assassins Excerpts

I just saw that Lane Robins has a new website and there are excerpts from the two fantasy novels set in Antyre. Since I've mentioned them a lot lately, I thought I'd share them with anyone who is interested:
Although her urban fantasy written as Lyn Benedict is mentioned on the site, there is not yet an excerpt from Sins & Shadows (it is supposed to be coming soon, though!). I finished it yesterday and it was very good - dark with lots of mythology, mostly Greek, and it contained a lot of the same themes as her fantasy books. If John hadn't stolen my laptop for most of the night, I'd probably be halfway through the review by now, but I decided to be nice and hand it over since he turned in his last gigantic paper of the semester today after staying up all night finishing it.


orannia said...

Thank you for the heads up Kristen!

...finished it yesterday and it was very good - dark with lots of mythology, mostly Greek...Ohh, sounds good. I'm looking forward to the review :) Gosh Kristen, you're expanding the fantasty section of my TBR list in leaps and bounds :)

Kristen said...

Thanks Orannia! Hope you enjoy all the additions to your TBR list!